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We do so love getting feedback from our amazing Singita Wellness community – or as we now call them – Singitians!! After all, the heartbeat of our centre is the people. Claire has been a loyal and loved member for some time, and after getting fantastic results with her training, offered to write about her … Continue reading “*Singitian Stories* – Claire”
I have finally found freedom, free your mind and the rest will follow, Wait, that’s a song, and it goes much deeper than this as it’s a spiritual growth and one I have signed up for and guess what, I have a newfound freedom, and peace I have never felt before. You’ve heard my spiritual … Continue reading “Peace Out! Chuck it in the f… it bucket! – September 2024”
This happens to us all, so I wanted to reach out to let you know, keeping fit, healthy strong and lean is not a magic pill. Probably best I don’t have a rant about those so called ‘magic’ diet pills out there, the long term side effects are frightening, but so many are looking for … Continue reading “My oh my, 10 days fun = 5 extra pounds! August 24”
I am now unapologetically ME, the imperfectly perfect creation from Source and with this deep sense of peace having finally reached this phase in my life where I am completely at ease with who I am. I may not be everyone’s cup of tea and I now see this as a good thing. We are … Continue reading “YOUR SUPER POWER IS YOU!!! – May 2024”
Living a life of balance is a beautiful thing, there is lyrical pattern to it all. As in nature, like the rolling waves, the ebbs and flows of our lives should replicate this sense of ease and serendipitous timing. Allowing and being, instead of forcing and doing, taps into a much greater Divine matrix and … Continue reading “It’s all in the Balance – November 23”
There comes a time when some of us are ready to evolve, step out of our comfort zone and take the leap to stand in our our light and heal past traumas, big or small. The effects of one’s upbringing and/or generational patterns passed down in our DNA moulds our patterns of behaviours so that … Continue reading “Theta Healing with Michelle – October 23”
Sorry to break this news to you all!!! Despite what marketing promises you may have seen – there is no quick fix out there! We need to invest our time and make the effort to commit to health and wellness. The new miraculous great inventions to shed excess fat either through fasting, fad diets, lasering … Continue reading “Sorry – but there is no short cut! – October 23”
I seem to have been surrounded by a lot of heavy hearts lately, many losses of beautiful souls, young and old, transitioning and leaving behind bereft loved ones. Friends, children’s friends, friends’ children, so many gone way too soon. Closer to home, in one year both my parents and my most favourite dog I ever … Continue reading “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings – June 23”
I am writing this very personal post the day after our beloved father passed away, in part to help process this life changing event, but also to tell the story of his magnificent return to the light. For those of you who have been through the loss of a loved one, it can certainly be … Continue reading “A return to love – finding joy in grief – April 2023”
Summer Lovin’ had me a blast, Summer Lovin’ happened so fast. Isn’t it amazing how the wondrous fun times of our lives do pass us by like a whirlwind and the struggles feel like we are watching paint dry as we work our way through the tougher time? Time is a linear illusion, a sequence … Continue reading “Summer Lovin’ – extract from Newsletter July 22”
The reason I feel so passionate to share the tips and lifestyle I have lived, particularly over the last five years is a real desire to reach more people to unlock their potential to know aging does not mean degenerating. I have gathered a wealth of knowledge over my decades of involvement in the health … Continue reading “My wellness philosophy adds a few bubbles and a lot of Joie De Vivre – June 22”
At a certain age Said the wise old sage We hit a moment of complete and utter truth, a deep sense of knowing who we truly are. An unapologetic time to get rid of the small nonsense, the petty gossip, the naysayers, the not so well wishers or supporters of our chosen path. There comes … Continue reading “At a certain age, said the wise old Sage – November 2021”
I began my live-streamed fitness journey some 20 months ago as a necessity to keep us working out, moving, staying connected, through lockdowns and the unknown bleakness and panic of a global pandemic. Little did I know it was the beautiful birth of our Singita Online Community, which has been a glorious shining light of … Continue reading “The power of love (and we thought it was fitness)! – October 2021”
I wake up most mornings with the tweet of the first bird calling night into day, always darkness and knowing the light will come. I have practiced the habit of early morning rituals of meditation & prayer for many years now, not without a cup of coffee to jolt me into awakening. I wake up … Continue reading “Awakening in paradise – June 2021”
Spring has arrived bringing renewed energy, revitalized souls and an optimism for the future. The age of Aquarius has come upon us, not without a little raucous and shaking up to hail in the new. As with any change, upheaval and breaking open is inevitable as the old energies are displaced, bringing a new world … Continue reading “This is what we stand for! – April 2021”
Having been in the Health & Wellness business for over 30 years I have seen so many trends come and go. I have been certified in so many different class types and styles as well as Personal Training. Having learnt from the best, Canadian Body building champions, and amazing fitness instructors and presenters I have … Continue reading “Variety is the key to results – September 2020”
So here I am, about to launch Singita Online Club, and I truly have had to face my own fears and move beyond them. Nothing like having to watch yourself on video, your inner critic doing it’s best job, to make you feel awash with self-doubting emotion. But here goes – I am just going … Continue reading “Deep diving and facing my fears – July 2020”
The innocence and beauty of youth with my precious Grandaughter Orla. May flowers in Barbados are in all their glory. Wherever you look the bougainvillea is a spectacular array of vibrant colours and the cassia trees and flamboyants are so vivid against the backdrop of arid grass during this dry season. Spring has Sprung in … Continue reading “Spring brings hope for change – June 2020”
During a recent family gathering over Zoom (during Coronovirus lockdown), we were discussing how the slowed down pace has meant we can all get a little more adventurous with our cooking (stocks permitting). My sister then recounted a story from a couple of days prior, when I had called her up, giddy with excitement about … Continue reading “When are leaves more than just leaves? – May 2020”
In line with our recent government announcement, Singita is now temporarily closed to the public. I’d like to thank each and everyone of you for your continued patronage & support over this last year. We have been honoured to have worked with the most amazing team at Singita, and met so many wonderful people from around the globe. … Continue reading “Singita spirit lives on – going virtual to keep you healthy – April 2020”
This Singita Wellness journey manifested in physical form just 15 short months ago & is now a beautiful haven of activity here on the West coast of Barbados. My vision was to create a wellness community where anyone walking in our doors could find their needs met in health & wellness, physically & spiritually. Now … Continue reading “💖Beginning of my Blog💖 – February 2020”